ChiroCover Covering Doctors Follow YOUR Office Protocol!
The protocols for office coverage are received by each of our Doctors and are agreed to by them before beginning coverage work for us.
The ChiroCover Team of Covering Doctors
Our covering Doctors come to us with various levels of life and work experience. Some are new graduates, some are "old pro's" with plenty of experience in practice. We have found that it is not the age, nor the years of experience which matter. What DOES matter is competence, willingness to travel and perform excellent service, a positive attitude, an ability to communicate, as well as overall professionalism.
ChiroCover Doctor Criteria
Not everyone qualifies to be a ChiroCover doctor. We are VERY picky. Once an applicant contacts us, we perform our interview process and background checks. We look for qualities ranging from professional appearance, ability to be an effective communicator, clinical competency and of course, good hands. Our covering Doctors are all in good standing within the states where they are licensed and are all fully insured. Typically, our Doctors have a few years of experience in the field, but we do hire new graduates and retired practitioners too.